Why DIY House Restumping Should Be Avoided

26 January 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Some homeowners who have just bought an older house may later notice that the stumps beneath that house have degraded and need to be replaced. Such homeowners may wish to restump their house without the help of a professional. However, this approach has many risks that can turn out to be very costly. Read on and learn why you should be hesitant to attempt a DIY restumping project. It Is Very Time Consuming Read More 

Why the Foundations of Many Buildings Are Built With Precast Concrete Piles

24 January 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

It goes without saying that the foundation of any building needs to be extremely robust. If the foundation isn't sturdy enough to endure the weight of the entire building, chances are high that the building will collapse or incur serious structural damage. Hence, it is essential to use the right piling materials. The use of precast concrete piles for piling is commonplace in Australia. If you are considering using these piling products for your upcoming new building construction project, you are thinking in the right direction. Read More