3 Tenets of Achieving Success in Your Civil Works Project

23 November 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Civil works projects are the norm today, and you won't fail to come across different types of construction projects in your area. The construction of public infrastructure significantly impacts the local community and the country's economy at large. That's the reason why proper planning and execution is paramount for any civil works project. 

Read on to learn the various tenets of achieving success in your upcoming civil works projects. 

Conduct Surveys 

The primary goal of conducting proper surveys is to evaluate a project's feasibility and overall impact. Civil works engineers must run site evaluations to identify any obstacles or limitations when it comes to the project's viability. For instance, when constructing a bridge, they must determine a viable approach to divert water and help facilitate a successful installation. When it comes to roads, engineers must identify means of dealing with different soil types and terrain. 

When it comes to project impact, interviewing local communities is imperative in determining whether the project meets their demands. Interviews help identify the effects of a particular project on the people's livelihoods as well. Furthermore, environmental impact analyses help bring to light how the project affects flora and fauna. For example, will the proposed road pass through a museum or animal conservancy? If so, quiet construction methods that have less pollution impact should be considered. 

Choosing an Ideal Contractor 

Vetting contractors is critical when determining their skills, resources, and equipment to conduct a civil works project successfully. Generally, the vetting process starts with the prequalification phase. When pre qualifying candidates, check the contractor's portfolio for previous projects handled successfully. 

Also, assess their financial statements, civil works expertise, and relevant equipment necessary for the construction project. This approach will help weed out unqualified contractors. Prequalified contractors can then place competitive bids for the job. 

Unlike what most people think, civil works contracts are not awarded to bidders with the lowest offer. On the contrary, an assessment panel must gauge the quality of work offered by contractors against their bids. That means that a contractor with the highest quality services offered at realistic prices ultimately wins the contract. 

Project Management 

Finally, a professional construction panel is tasked with drafting a schedule to carry out activities as each project phase rolls in. This timetable works as a point of reference when evaluating the progress of your project. 

Additionally, quality assessment plays a pivotal role in any civil works project. That means that a team of professional engineers must visit the site and cross examine the work done or work in progress. If it doesn't meet the set standards, the team might issue an enforcement notice to the contractor to make appropriate adjustments.

Reach out to a local civil works engineer to learn more.